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-Upcoming Seminars -Structure of Thought Quit Smoking Method

Quitting smoking is easy when you understand the structure of thought that creates a desire to smoke.  How would you like to think in a way that makes smoking feel unnatural?  How would you like to be a little confused when you see others smoking as you ask yourself, “why don’t they just stop like I did?”


My goal is to help as many people as I can quit smoking.  I want to add to my growing list of happy people that can walk up stairs without being short of breath, enjoy social settings without always thinking about how they will sneak the next smoke or simply have more energy because their organs are no longer starved for oxygen. 


I want to help as many people as I can live longer, healthier, and happier lives.


I’m Surinder Gill, creator of Structure of Thought Quit Smoking Method, that helps people quit smoking easily and effortlessly without the use of willpower.  The people I help have typically tried to quit using other methods before and failed to achieve permanent results.  The problem is that other methods do not address the route cause which is the Structure of Thought that has allowed the problem to persist.  Learning how the mind works in patternistic ways is crucial to undoing the smoking problem.  Using Hypnosis as a way of solidifying the new thinking will create a new outlook on life.  An outlook that has you managing stress, enjoying social occasions and dealing with boredom without even thinking about smoking.  You will feel as thought you never smoked!  


The seminar has 3 distinct phases:


1) You will understand that structure of thinking that has created your current feelings of being trapped by your habit.  This understanding will cause your mind to access new ways of thinking that have not been available until now.


2) You will feel confident and may experience feelings of euphoria or lightness.  This happens through a combination of understanding your thought structures as well as the use of Hypnosis to create a neurological change.


3) You will gain a feeling of understanding that the difficulties you have faced were the creation of your own thinking.  The fact that your thinking created your problem is so apparent that you will easily think your way into a new future.  A new future as a non smoker.  At this stage you will realize that you are no longer the same person you were prior to the seminar.


Q. Why are these seminars so long?

A. I use a combination of my "Structure of Thought Method" as well as Hypnosis.  A minimum of 4 hours is required in order to ensure your change sticks forever.  


Q. Can you just hypnotize me to quit smoking?

A. Yes, I could do that and it would work for a period of time.  How long would it work?  6, 9 or 12 months?  Hypnosis on it's own is enough to get many people to quit a habit but my experience has taught me that lasting change requires a combination of Hypnosis and understanding thought structures.  


Q. Do you do Hypnosis sessions in your private practice?

A. Yes, but generally there is a component that delves into thought structures as well.  When it comes to quitting smoking or weight loss, I have never done a stand alone Hypnosis session.  I insist on doing a protocol that is well rounded to increase the odds of creating a permanent change.





Stop Smoking Seminar

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Stop Smoking Seminar

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Smiths Falls

Stop Smoking Seminar

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Stop Smoking Seminar

Coming in 2022



Stop Smoking Seminar

Coming in 2022



Stop Smoking Seminar 

Coming in 2022



Send your info now to sign up for the Seminar you'd like to attend.  Limited Capacity.  

Each Seminar is $295 plus HST and must be prepaid via Etransfer.

Limited Capacity. 

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